Hannah got in touch with me last summer to teach her and her co-author, John, how to take better photographs. They were writing a book about cycling from St. Malo to Nice and wanted to learn how to take good photographs on the compact cameras they would be carrying as they charted the route for their cycling book “France En Velo.” We spent the morning up on Box Hill, learning about ISO, shutter speed and aperture. I really wanted them to focus on using shutter speed to their advantage, to think of using it more creatively. Luckily, there were a plethora of cyclists around, so we were able to go over the different ways they could photograph each other on the routes. We spoke about photographing at the “key” parts of the day, sunrise and sunset, as there would be more drama added to the photographs with the lighting and shadows. Compositionally, they knew what they wanted, it was just how to achieve it, which was what we went over and practiced together. They kept in touch over the past year, sending various shots they had taken which were all quite impressive. I am now quite excited as the book is finished and has just been released. Have a look at the Wild Things Publishing website, and their book is entitled “France En Velo,” by Hannah Reynolds and John Walsh.