On monday I was awarded the Licentiate Qualification in Portraiture from the British Institute of Professional Photographers. I have been preparing for the meeting with the board for months; putting together my portfolio of 20 images, having a book made of my supporting documents (cv, insurance, working profile, testimonials, health & safety), arranging and then re-arraning my portfolio, and then arranging it some more! I was on cloud nine when I was greeted with “congratulations on your Licentiateship in Portraiture,” from the Chief Executive, Chris Harper FBIPP. I then sat down with the board (made up of leading photographers from around the country) and got great feedback that I have been craving since my university critique days.
The BIPP is the leading official qualifying body for professional photographers in the UK and sets a benchmark for excellence within the industry. At the licentiate level the board is looking for technical competence and evidence that the photographer is fully in control of their subject, producing and selling professional images. Although it is the first rung on the ladder (Associateship and Fellowship follow) it is quite a tough distinction to obtain, and it’s not uncommon to fail on the first couple attempts. This is why I wanted to join – not every photographer can be a member, and I love that the board is made up of fellow professional photographers who are willing and interested to propel your work to the next level.
I look forward to progressing my work, and with the LBIPP alongside my degree, it’s heading in the right direction. Stay tuned!
Several images from the 20 that were submitted for my Licentiateship: