It was a lovely morning to amble down the forest paths that led us to our tree.
The children waded through the high heather, pushed aside the brush, all to find that perfect tree, one for them to see
Some were too big, others were too small
but my eldest loved the tree most who was the crookedest of all!
“It’s that one, there – that hangs sideways, yes that is the one,” she shouts
As my husband walks over to cut it down, my son pouts
that his batman-like tree does not make the cut.
Hauling it back to the car was a bit of a journey but
my son was able to help, which made him quite jolly
as his sister caught her hair on a bunch of holly.
The tree is now up and the jewel of our front room
as we wait for Christmas to arrive very soon!
*pardon my poetry and for the record we were not Christmas tree rustling!