I hope you all have a had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to the new year ahead. I thought I would share some images of my own family and our adventures in 2013, for a quick look back before looking forward into the new year. The photographs are shot on either full frame digital or 120mm film, depending what camera I had on me. I wish you all a fantastic new year full of fun adventures to come.
-tongue in the bluebells, surrey, 2013, digital
-pastures unknown, cheshire, 2013, 120mm
– the hill, il de re, 2013, digital
– plane, houston, 2013, digital
-waves, il de re, 2013, digital
-orange, brighton, 2013, digital
-snowball, surrey, 2013, 120mm
-alfie, derbyshire, 2013, digital
-a pleasant memory, cheshire, 2013, 120mm